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GCASH Remittance Limit

December 1, 2024

Please take note of the following limits when sending funds to GCash: ① Maximum amount per transaction ② Receiver's GCash incoming limit ③ Receiver's GCash wallet limit. Before sending funds, ensure that the amount to be transferred will not exceed these limits.

* If you send an amount that exceeds the transaction limits, the transaction will be rejected. It will take 2 weeks to 1 month for the funds to be refunded to your Seven Bank account. In addition, the remittance charge for the rejected transaction will not be refunded.
① Maximum Amount per Transaction Each Receiver
50,000 PHP per day
(If it is your first time to send funds to a GCash account,the remittance amount per day is up to 30,000 PHP only)
② Receiver’s Incoming Limit Each Receiver
100,000 PHP per month *1
(Total amount of incoming transactions for 1 month)
③ Receiver’s Wallet Limit Each GCash account
100,000~500,000 PHP *2
  • *1:Funds received from other Remittance Companies and cashing in thru Payment Centers are also counted.
    (Example:If the receiver has received 30,000 PHP each from Company A and Company B in the same month →The maximum amount that can be sent thru Seven Bank will be 40,000 PHP only)
  • *2:The Receiver's Wallet limit depends on the Receiver’s account status.
    If GCash is FULLY VERIFIED, the Wallet Limit is 100,000PHP.
    Please ensure to check the status of the Receiver's GCash account beforehand.

The examples below illustrate cases where the transaction was successfully completed but rejected.

■Example 1:The amount sent exceeded the「①Maximum amount per transaction」

Transaction Date Transaction Detail Transaction Status
November 1 Sent 60,000 PHP Maximum Amount per Transaction:
50,000 PHP per day

→The transaction will be rejected due to Maximum Amount per transaction limitations.

■Example 2:The amount sent exceeded the「②Receiver's Incoming Limit 」

Case 1 (Receiver A's GCash Account Status: FULLY VERIFIED)

Transaction Date Transaction Detail Transaction Status
November 1 Sent 50,000 PHP to Receiver A Funds will be credited to the Receiver's GCash wallet.
November 2 Sent 50,000 PHP to Receiver A Funds will be credited to the Receiver's GCash wallet.
November 3 Sent 10,000 PHP to Receiver A Receiver's Incoming Limit:
100,000 PHP per month

→The transaction will be rejected, because the account already reached the Incoming Limit. You will be able to send the money next month or later.

Case 2 (Receiver A's GCash Account Status: FULLY VERIFIED)

Transaction Date Transaction Detail Transaction Status
November 1 Receiver A received 30,000 PHP from remittance company X Funds will be credited to the Receiver's GCash wallet.
November 2 Receiver A received 30,000 PHP from remittance company Y Funds will be credited to the Receiver's GCash wallet.
November 3 Sent 50,000 PHP to Receiver A thru Seven Bank The maximum amount that can be received per Receiver is 100,000 PHP a month.
Total of Funds received from other Remittance Companies and cash in thru Payment Centers are also counted.

→The transaction will be rejected, because the amount sent caused the exceed of the Incoming Limit.

■Example 3:The amount sent exceeded the「③Receiver’s Wallet Limit」

Receiver's GCash wallet balance:80,000 PHP (Account Status: FULLY VERIFIED)

Transaction Date Transaction Detail Transaction Status
November 1 Sent 30,000 PHP Wallet Limit: 100,000 PHP per account
→The transaction will be rejected, because the amount sent caused the exceed of the Wallet Limit.
Please adjust the wallet balance by withdrawing money in advance, etc. *3
*3:Even if any balance adjustments are made after remittance from Seven Bank, the funds will be refunded.

Please be advised that the funds will be refunded to the Sender's Seven Bank account within 2 weeks to 1 month.