Operating Hours and ATM Fees: Transportation-Based Electronic Currency

Electronic Currency (Suica, Etc.)
  • Usage Hours and Usage Fees
Charge Weekdays Free
Weekends and Holidays
Confirm Balance Weekdays Free
Weekends and Holidays
  • Eligible transportation-based electronic currency includes Kitaca, Suica, PASMO, TOICA, manaca, ICOCA, SUGOCA, nimoca, and Hayakaken.
    PiTaPa is not valid.
  • The maximum amount that can be charged per use is 20,000 yen.
    Charges are made in units of 1,000 yen.
  • Service unavailable at some Seven Banks.
  • Hold the card down until the process is complete.

Electronic Currency Usage Method

  1. STEP1

    Press the Electronic Currency Charge button.

  2. STEP2

    Set the card or an electronic currency-enabled cellphone/smartphone onto the ATM reader/writer.

  3. STEP3

    Select the menu.

  4. STEP4

    Select the charge amount.

    • Charges are made in units of 1,000 yen.
    • Charges are cash only.
      (Charges cannot be made from your bank balance.)
    • Change will be provided if you insert more bills than the amount specified.
  5. STEP5

    Do not remove your card or electronic currency-enabled cellphone/smartphone until the charge is complete.

  6. STEP6

    Take your change.

    • This screen will not be displayed if there is no change.
  7. STEP7

    Details of the transaction will be displayed.

    • Point balance will only be displayed for nanaco.
  8. STEP8

    Remove your card or electronic currency-enabled cellphone/smartphone from the reader/writer once the charge is complete.