International Money Transfer Service Outline

Product Name : International Money Transfer Service

(As of Oct 1, 2019)

Alliance Partner

The group companies of The Western Union Company, a U.S. entity with the head office at 12500 East Belford Avenue, Englewood, Colorado 80112, U.S.A.

Eligible Customers

Limited to individual customers who satisfy all of the following conditions:

  • (1)Holding a Seven Bank Account
  • (2)Age of 18 or older when applying for an International Money Transfer Service Agreement
  • (3)Meeting the predetermined examination criteria, and with the Bank’s approval on the application for an International Money Transfer Service Agreement

Provision of the Service

This Service is provided by the Bank, and is not a service provided independently by the alliance partner. Neither the alliance partner, Payment Center nor the Receiver's Bank shall be a party to any transactions between the Bank and the customer.

Service Description

Transferring funds (in Japanese yen) to individuals residing outside Japan (who satisfies the Bank’s examination criteria and who is registered as a receiver with the Bank in advance) in foreign currencies designated by the customer.

  • This service does not cover money transfers to business entities or incoming money transfers from outside Japan.

Purposes of Money Transfer

Limited to the purposes designated by the Bank.

  • This service cannot be used for payment of import bills (purchase prices for goods or services) or for commercial purposes.
  • This service cannot be used for transactions subject to any restriction under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act of Japan (i.e. requirements to obtain/complete permission, authorization, approval, notification or registration with the government in advance) whereby the Bank is required to ensure or confirm the completion of clearance of such restrictions.

Transfer Limits

  • (1)Up to ¥1 million per transfer, per day, per month (from the first day to the last day of each calendar month)
    Up to ¥3 million per year (from January 1 to December 31)
  • (2)Transfers to certain payout countries may be subject to the upper limits lower than those stated in (1) above.

Payout Country and Payout Currency

To be designated by the customer from among the countries and the foreign currencies prescribed by the Bank.

Restriction on Transactions

  • (1)Money transfers requested by customers are accepted and processed subject to and to the extent permitted under the restrictions on transactions pertaining to the purpose of money transfer, limits on the amounts transferred, limits on the number of transactions, payout countries, payout currencies, limits on the number of registered receivers, or any other restrictions to be established by the Bank, the Bank's alliance partner, its Payment Centers, or the Receiver's Bank from time to time.
  • (2)Money transfers requested by customers are accepted and processed only within the scope permitted under the restrictions on transactions to be established by the Bank's alliance partner, its Payment Centers, the Receiver's Bank or the laws and regulations of the payout country from time to time, in addition to the restrictions of (1) above.
  • (3)The foregoing restrictions may be established or changed without prior notice to customers.

Fees and Charges

Fees and charges for the International Money Transfer Service

Transfer Fees

Remittance Amount Fees
Credit to bank account Cash Pick-up
1 Yen - 10,000 Yen 400 Yen 400 Yen 400 Yen 490 Yen
10,001 Yen - 20,000 Yen 790 Yen 750 Yen 450 Yen 890 Yen
20,001 Yen - 30,000 Yen 990 Yen 890 Yen 1,050 Yen
30,001 Yen - 40,000 Yen 1,250 Yen 500 Yen 1,350 Yen
40,001 Yen - 50,000 Yen 1,400 Yen 1,500 Yen
50,001 Yen - 100,000 Yen 1,650 Yen 990 Yen 890 Yen 1,950 Yen
100,001 Yen - 250,000 Yen 1,850 Yen 990 Yen 2,000 Yen
250,001 Yen - 500,000 Yen 2,000 Yen 1,350 Yen
500,001 Yen - 1,000,000 Yen 1,750 Yen
  • No consumption tax will be imposed on the transfer fees.
  • For money transfers through a Seven Bank ATM, ATM service fees may be charged in addition to transfer fees, depending on the hour.
  • Foreign exchange rates used for currency conversion for this Service include Seven Bank's margins. Such rate are in principle subject to change in the frequency prescribed by the Bank.

International Money Transfer Statement Issue Fee (incl. tax)

¥1,100 for one yearly statement

  • This fee is charged when a customer wishes to have a statement issued for any specific international money transfer or have a transaction slip reissued.

Transfer Reversal Fee

¥2,000 per reversal

  • No consumption tax will be imposed on the transfer reversal fee.
  • This is the amount for one reversal request. This fee arises even in cases where the transfer reversal cannot be carried out.

Remittance Method

  • (1)A customer must enter into an International Money Transfer Service Agreement with the Bank in advance by registering necessary matters concerning the sender (the customer) and the receivers.
  • (2)A request for money transfer is accepted on condition that it has been made by any of the following methods.
    • Through use of the customer's Seven Bank cash card at a Seven Bank ATM
    • Through the direct banking service
  • (3)The amount to be transferred, transfer fee, and other charges and costs for the requested transfer must be paid in advance, which are debited from the customer's ordinary deposit at the time of the Bank's acceptance of the money transfer request, etc. ; payment in cash is not allowed.
  • No request for money transfer is accepted at any service counter of the Bank's head office or branch offices.
  • Each customer can register up to twelve receivers within the International Money Transfer Service as a whole.
  • Agent cards cannot be used for requesting international money transfers.
  • A Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN), a test question and its answer (to be issued only for specific payout countries), and other transaction details are the information necessary for the receiver to receive the amount transferred. The customer is therefore required to manage such information carefully. Please do not disclose any of the transaction details to any person other than the receiver. The Bank shall not be held liable for any damage that may be incurred as a result of the use of such information by any third party (other than the customer and the receiver).

Payment Receiving Method (Receipt in cash at Payment Centers, hereinafter referred to as the "Cash Receipt Method")

  • (1)An amount transferred through this service can be received only at the Payment Centers located in the payout country designated by the customer during their business hours on their business day.
  • (2)The amount transferred shall be received by the receiver in cash, in principle, in the designated payout currency.
  • (3)The amount to be received shall be the amount converted from the transferred amount in Japanese yen to the payout currency at the foreign exchange rate prescribed by the Bank prevailing at the time of the Bank's acceptance of the request for money transfer.
  • If a customer is required to specify a payout country and any specific state or city therein, the receiver may be unable to receive the transferred amount at a Payment Center located outside the specified state or city.
  • Even when the Bank has accepted the request for transfer from the customer, it may not be possible to receive the amount thus transferred at all or some of the Payment Centers located in the payout country due to the restrictions on transactions imposed by the alliance partner or the applicable Payment Center. In this case, the Bank shall, to that extent, be released from its obligation to perform the Money Transfer Transaction in accordance with the conditions confirmed by the customer upon the Bank's acceptance of the Money Transfer Request.
  • To receive the amount transferred, the receiver must present a Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN), a test question and its answer (issued for specific payout countries), and other transaction details, and take other steps required by the Payment Center (including the presentation and provision of documents and information specified by the Payment Center).
  • In certain payout countries, the payment to the receiver may be processed under conditions that differ from those confirmed by the customer upon submitting the transfer request, for example, in such cases where: (ⅰ) the conversion to the payout currency is required to be made at the Bank's prescribed exchange rate prevailing at the time of payment or other point of time; (ⅱ) taxes or other charges are imposed at the time of payment; and (ⅲ) the amount in the payment currency is required to be further converted to any other currency designated by the Bank at the Bank's prescribed foreign exchange rate prevailing at the time of payment or other point in time.
  • Some money transfers may require a transfer to the receiver's deposit account, a conversion to a currency other than the payout currency (including conversion of the amount corresponding to small denominations in the payout currency to any other currency), or other separate transaction in order to give effect to the money transfer in question. The receiver shall be solely responsible for any such separate transaction to be conducted with the payout center. The Bank shall not be liable for any such transaction regardless of the reason therefor.

Payment Receiving Method (Receipt by crediting of the amount to the Receiver's Bank Account, hereinafter referred to as the "Credit-to- Account Method")

  • (1)The banks at which the receiver may receive the funds are set out in the list of receiving banks.
  • (2)The relevant amount is credited to the receiver's bank account that is registered in advance by the customer (hereafter referred to as the "Receiver's Bank Account").
  • (3)As a general rule, such crediting to a bank account will be conducted in the payout currency.
  • (4)As a general rule, the amount to be received will be the amount calculated by converting the transferred amount (paid in Japanese yen) to the payout currency using the Bank's prescribed foreign exchange rate as at the time that the money transfer request is accepted.
  • (5)No funds to be transferred to Philippines may be transferred to a passbook account or to a checking account.
  • Even if the Credit-to- Account Method is designated, the customer or the receiver may be required to perform a separate procedure in order to carry out the relevant payment depending on the receiver's country.
  • In the case where the Credit-to- Account Method is taken in China, if the receiver is receiving funds in the Receiver's Bank Account designated by the customer for the first time, the receiver must call the Banks' alliance partner and provide it with the MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number). In addition, even after completing your first transaction at a designated account of some receiver's banks, the receiver may still receive a confirmation call from our alliance partner each time a transaction is performed.
  • If there is an error in the transfer details, such as in the account number of the Receiver's Bank Account, the money could be credited to the wrong account. Therefore, please always check the transfer details to ensure that they are accurate. If the Credit-to- Account Method is taken in the Philippines, only the account number is checked to ensure that it matches the Receiver's Bank Account designated by the customer, and no steps are taken to ensure that the account holder matches the name of the receiver. As such, when taking the Credit-to- Account Method in the Philippines, it is particularly important to ensure that the account number for the Receiver's Bank Account is accurate. Therefore, we encourage you to be extra careful when registering the receiver's information.

Cancellation of Money Transfer

  • (1)A money transfer transaction can be cancelled only if the payment to the receiver (in the case of the Cash Receipt Method) has not been completed. As a general rule, deposits made into the Receiver's Bank Account (for deposit into a bank account) cannot be cancelled.
  • (2)In the case of the Cash Receipt Method, if the transferred amount is not received by the receiver within 30 days from the date of the Bank's acceptance of the request for such money transfers, the Bank will, in principle, promptly cancel the money transfer without prior notice.
  • (3)In addition to the cases referred to above, the Bank may cancel any money transfer it accepted without prior notice if any of the events prescribed by it occurs.
  • (4)If a money transfer is cancelled, as a general rule, not all but only the portion of the debited amount that corresponds to the funds to be transferred will be refunded to the customer's ordinary deposit.
  • A request for cancellation described in (1) above is accepted at the Contact Center ; provided, however, that no cancellation request shall be accepted if such cancellation is prohibited under the applicable laws or regulations or if such cancellation is rejected by the Bank's alliance partner.
  • In any of the cases (1) to (3) above, the transfer fees and other charges and costs will not be refunded in principle; provided, however, that, if the Bank confirms that the receiver would be unable to receive the transferred funds at any of the Payment Centers located in the payout country or it would be unable to credit the relevant amount to the Receiver's Bank Account for reasons not attributable to neither the customer nor the receiver, then, in principle, the Bank shall cancel the money transfer and refund the full amount of the relevant funds and the fees and various costs which it had already received from the customer.
  • It may take four or more business days to execute such refund. A refund may not be possible if restricted under applicable laws or regulations.
  • The cancellation described in (2) above will not be reported to the customer.

Transfer Reversal (for the Credit-to Account Method)

  • (1)The customer must submit the Bank's prescribed transfer reversal request form to carry out a reversal. When submitting the said form, the Bank may require the customer to submit the Bank's prescribed identity verification documents or provide a guarantor.
  • (2)The Bank's prescribed reversal fee must be paid in Japanese yen when making a request for a reversal. This payment shall be made by way of account transfer from the customer's ordinary deposit account without the submission by the customer of any separate repayment request form, and the Bank will not accept any such payment in cash.
  • (3)If the receiver does not give its/his consent, the reversal cannot be carried out. If the receiver does not give its/his consent, the customer should discuss and negotiate the matter with the receiver. Please note that the reversal fee will not be returned in such case as well.
  • (4)A reversal may not be possible due to the rejection by the Receiver's Bank or due to any restrictions under the laws and ordinances of the relevant country or due to any measures imposed by the government, court or any other public institution. In such case, the Bank shall not be responsible for any damages arising in relation thereto. In addition, the Bank will not refund the reversal fee.
  • In conducting a reversal of a money transfer, the transferred funds will be returned after the Bank receives the relevant funds from the relevant alliance partner. However, there may arise losses depending on the exchange rates applicable at the time of such reversal. In addition, as a general rule, the portion of the transferred funds which correspond to the transfer fees and other charges and costs will not be refunded.
  • Please note that there may be cases where the Bank requires a considerable period of time to determine whether or not to accept a reversal request and notify the customer of its decision.

Change to Money Transfer Request

No subsequent change to a money transfer request will be accepted by the Bank.

  • If a customer wishes to make any change to his/her money transfer request, the customer should cancel the request or request a reversal, register a new receiver where necessary, and submit a new request based on the new information.

Termination, Suspension of Use of Service, etc.

When any of the predefined events occurs, the Bank may, without prior notice, terminate the International Money Transfer Service Agreement, suspend the customer's use of the international Money Transfer Service, or terminate the registration of all or any of the registered receivers.

Number of Days Necessary for Completion of Crediting Process (Credit-to- Account Method)

The Bank shall designate the number of days required to complete the process of crediting the relevant amount to the Receiver's Bank Account.

Other Helpful Information

  • "Payment Center" means any service center of an agent, sub-agent, or any other partner affiliated with the Bank's alliance partner that handles the payment-related operations for money transfer transactions.
  • "Receiver's Bank" means the financial institution (with which the receiver holds an account) that the customer designates when making a payment under an International Money Transfer transaction by selecting the Credit-to- Account Method.
  • Transaction details are available for viewing through direct banking or can be confirmed with the Contact Center.
  • More details regarding the International Money Transfer Service are posted on the Bank's website or explained by the Contact Center (both in Japanese and English, in principle).
  • The points to be noted in using the International Money Transfer Service are described in the "International Money Transfer Service Terms and Conditions" and this Product Overview posted on the Bank's website. Please contact the Contact Center if you wish to receive hard copies of these documents by postal mail. Please carefully read these documents and make sure that you understand the details of the International Money Transfer Service in advance.
  • Transaction statements or slips may be required for customers' tax filing, etc., and so they should be handled with care.

Designated Dispute Resolution Organizations

Japanese Bankers Association Customer Relations Center

0570-017109 or 03-5252-3772
Service days:
Monday to Friday (excluding national holidays and non-business days)
Service hours:
9:00 to 17:00
  • The above is an English translation of the Japanese version, prepared merely for the customers' convenience. If there is any inconsistency between the two, the Japanese version shall prevail. The Japanese version is posted on the Bank's website and will be sent by postal mail if a request to that effect is made by contacting the Contact Center.
Product Name : Seven Bank Philippine Money Transfer Service with BDO Unibank

(As of Oct 1, 2019)

Alliance Partner

BDO Unibank, Inc. (Philippine entity) (Location of head office: 7899 Makati Avenue, Makati City 0726, Philippines)

Eligible Customers

Any person who has entered into an International Money Transfer Service Agreement

Service Description

Transferring funds (in Japanese yen) to individuals residing outside Japan (who satisfies the Bank's examination criteria and who is registered as a receiver with the Bank in advance) in Philippine Peso ("PHP").

  • This service does not cover money transfers to business entities or incoming money transfers from the Philippines.

Purposes of Money Transfer

Limited to the purposes designated by the Bank.

  • This service cannot be used for payment of import bills (purchase prices for goods or services) or for commercial purposes.
  • This service cannot be used for transactions subject to any restriction under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act of Japan (i.e. requirements to obtain/complete permission, authorization, approval, notification or registration with the government in advance) whereby the Bank is required to ensure or confirm the completion of clearance of such restrictions.

Transfer Limits

  • (1)Up to ¥500,000 per transfer , ¥1 million per day / per month (from the first day to the last day of each calendar month), and ¥3 million per year (from January 1 to December 31)
  • (2)Please note that there are cases where other transfer limits are applied, depending on the Payment Center, as set out below.
Payment Center Transfer Limit
Every branch office of MLhuillier Up to 250,000 PHP
Every branch office of CebuanaLhuillier Up to 30,000 PHP

Payout Country and Payout Currency

The Payout Country shall be the Philippines and the Payout Currency shall be PHP, and the customer shall not be entitled to designate any other country/currency.

Restriction on Transactions

  • (1)Money transfers requested by customers are accepted and processed subject to and to the extent permitted under the restrictions on transactions pertaining to the purpose of money transfer, limits on the amounts transferred, limits on the number of transactions, payout countries, payout currencies, limits on the number of registered receivers, or any other restrictions to be established by the Bank, the Bank's alliance partner, its Payment Centers, or the Receiver's Bank from time to time.
  • (2)Money transfers requested by customers are accepted and processed within the scope permitted under the restrictions on transactions to be established by the Bank's alliance partner, its Payment Centers or the Receiver's Bank or the laws and regulations of the Payout Country from time to time, in addition to the restrictions of (1) above.
  • (3)The foregoing restrictions may be established or changed without prior notice to customers.

Fees and Charges

Fees and charges for the International Money Transfer Service

Transfer Fees

Remittance Amount Fees
Credit to bank account Cash Pick-up
1 Yen - 10,000 Yen 400 Yen 490 Yen
10,001 Yen - 20,000 Yen 750 Yen 850 Yen
20,001 Yen - 30,000 Yen 890 Yen 950 Yen
30,001 Yen - 40,000 Yen 1,050 Yen 1,100 Yen
40,001 Yen - 50,000 Yen 1,150 Yen 1,200 Yen
50,001 Yen - 100,000 Yen 1,350 Yen 1,450 Yen
100,001 Yen - 500,000 Yen 1,650 Yen 1,800 Yen
  • No consumption tax will be imposed on the transfer fees.
  • Foreign exchange rates used for currency conversion for this service include Seven Bank's margins.

International Money Transfer Statement Issue Fee (incl. tax)

¥1,100 for one yearly statement

  • This fee is charged when a customer wishes to have a statement issued for any specific international money transfer.

Transfer Reversal Fee

¥2,000 per reversal

  • No consumption tax will be imposed on the transfer reversal fee.
  • This is the amount for one reversal request. This fee arises even in cases where the transfer reversal cannot be carried out.

Remittance Method

  • (1)A customer must enter into an International Money Transfer Service Agreement with the Bank and complete the registration for the commencement of the use of the direct banking service in advance by registering necessary matters concerning the sender (the customer) and the receivers.
  • (2)A request for money transfer shall be accepted only if made by way of using the international money transfer app.
  • (3)The amount to be transferred and transfer fee for the requested transfer must be paid in advance by way of net settlement at the time of the Bank's acceptance of the money transfer request, etc. ; payment in cash is not allowed.
  • No request for money transfer is accepted at any service counter of the Bank's head office or branch offices.
  • Each customer can register up to twelve receivers within the International Money Transfer Service as a whole.
  • The reference number and other transaction details are the information necessary for the receiver to receive the amount transferred. The customer is therefore required to manage such information carefully. Please do not disclose any of the transaction details to any person other than the receiver. The Bank shall not be held liable for any damage that may be incurred as a result of the use of such information by any third party (other than the customer and the receiver).
  • The service of transferring money by using the international money transfer app shall be available for any money transfer for which BDO Unibank, Inc. serves as the Bank's alliance partner.

Payment Receiving Method (Receipt in cash at Payment Centers, hereinafter referred to as the "Cash Receipt Method")

  • (1)An amount transferred through this service can be received only at the Payment Centers located in the Philippines during their business hours on their business day.
  • (2)The amount transferred shall be received by the receiver in cash in PHP.
  • (3)The amount to be received shall be the amount converted from the transferred amount in Japanese yen to PHP at the foreign exchange rate prescribed by the Bank prevailing at the time of the Bank's acceptance of the request for money transfer.
  • Even in cases where the Bank accepts a customer's money transfer request, it may not be possible to receive the relevant funds at all or one/some of the Payment Centers located in the Payout Country due to the transaction limitations/restrictions adopted/applied by the Bank's alliance partner or the relevant Payment Center, in which case, the Bank shall, to that extent, be released from its obligation to conduct the international money transfer in accordance with the terms and conditions confirmed by the customer upon the Bank's acceptance of the money transfer request.
  • To receive the amount transferred, the receiver must present the reference number and other transaction details, and take other steps required by the Payment Center (including the presentation and provision of documents and information specified by the Payment Center).

Payment Receiving Method (Receipt by crediting of the amount to the Receiver's Bank Account, hereinafter referred to as the "Credit-to- Account Method")

  • (1)The banks at which the receiver may receive the funds are set out in the list of receiving banks.
  • (2)The relevant amount is credited to the receiver's bank account that is registered in advance by the customer (hereafter referred to as the "Receiver's Bank Account").
  • (3)Such crediting to a bank account will be conducted in PHP.
  • (4)The amount to be received will be the amount calculated by converting the transferred amount (paid in Japanese yen) to PHP using the Bank's prescribed foreign exchange rate as at the time that the money transfer request is accepted.
  • (5)The funds may be transferred to an ATM account, passbook account or checking account.
  • If there is an error in the transfer details, such as in the account number of the Receiver's Bank Account, the money could be credited to the wrong account. Therefore, please always check the transfer details to ensure that they are accurate. Only the account number is checked to ensure that it matches the Receiver's Bank Account designated by the customer, and no steps are taken to ensure that the account holder matches the name of the receiver. As such, it is particularly important to ensure that the account number for the Receiver's Bank Account is accurate. Therefore, we encourage you to be extra careful.

Cancellation of Money Transfer

  • (1)A money transfer transaction can be cancelled only if the payment to the receiver (in the case of the Cash Receipt Method) has not been completed. As a general rule, deposits made into the Receiver's Bank Account (for deposit into a bank account) cannot be cancelled.
  • (2)In the case of the Cash Receipt Method, if the transferred amount is not received by the receiver within 30 days from the date on which the funds become available for receipt by the receiver, the Bank will, in principle, promptly cancel the money transfer without prior notice.
  • (3)In addition to the cases referred to above, the Bank may cancel any money transfer it accepted without prior notice if any of the events prescribed by it occurs.
  • (4)If a money transfer is cancelled, as a general rule, not all but only the portion of the debited amount that corresponds to the funds to be transferred will be refunded to the customer's ordinary deposit.
  • A request for cancellation described in (1) above is accepted at the Contact Center ; provided, however, that no cancellation request shall be accepted if such cancellation is prohibited under the applicable laws or regulations or if such cancellation is rejected by the Bank's alliance partner.
  • In any of the cases described in (1) to (3) above, the transfer fees and other charges and costs will not be refunded in principle; provided, however, that, if the Bank confirms that the receiver would be unable to receive the transferred funds at any of the Payment Centers located in the Payout Country or it would be unable to credit the relevant amount to the Receiver's Bank Account for reasons not attributable to neither the customer nor the receiver, then, in principle, the Bank shall cancel the money transfer and refund the full amount of the relevant funds and the fees and various costs which it had already received from the customer.
  • It may take four or more business days to execute such refund. A refund may not be possible if restricted under applicable laws or regulations.
  • The cancellation described in (2) above will not be reported to the customer.

Transfer Reversal (for the Credit-to Account Method)

  • (1)The customer must submit the Bank's prescribed transfer reversal request form to carry out a reversal. When submitting the said form, the Bank may require the customer to submit the Bank's prescribed identity verification documents or provide a guarantor.
  • (2)The Bank's prescribed reversal fee must be paid in Japanese yen when making a request for a reversal. This payment shall be made by way of account transfer from the customer's ordinary deposit account without the submission by the customer of any separate repayment request form, and the Bank will not accept any such payment in cash.
  • (3)If the receiver does not give its/his consent, the reversal cannot be carried out. If the receiver does not give its/his consent, the customer should discuss and negotiate the matter with the receiver. Please note that the reversal fee will not be returned in such case as well.
  • (4)A reversal may not be possible due to the rejection by the Receiver's Bank or due to any restrictions under the laws and ordinances of the relevant country or due to any measures imposed by the government, court or any other public institution. In such case, the Bank shall not be responsible for any damages arising in relation thereto. In addition, the Bank will not refund the reversal fee.
  • As a general rule, the portion of the transferred funds which correspond to the transfer fees and other charges and costs will not be refunded.
  • Please note that there may be cases where the Bank requires a considerable period of time to determine whether or not to accept a reversal request and notify the customer of its decision.

Change to Money Transfer Request

No subsequent change to a money transfer request will be accepted by the Bank.

  • If a customer wishes to make any change to his/her money transfer request, the customer should cancel the request or request a reversal, register a new receiver where necessary, and submit a new request based on the new information.

Termination, Suspension of Use of Service, etc.

When any of the predefined events occurs, the Bank may, without prior notice, terminate the International Money Transfer Service Agreement, suspend the customer's use of the international Money Transfer Service, or terminate the registration of all or any of the registered receivers.

Number of Days Necessary for Completion of Crediting Process (Credit-to- Account Method)

The Bank shall designate the number of days required to complete the process of crediting the relevant amount to the Receiver's Bank Account.

Other Helpful Information

  • "Payment Center" means any service center of an agent, sub-agent, or any other partner affiliated with the Bank's alliance partner that handles the payment-related operations for money transfer transactions.
  • "Receiver's Bank" means the financial institution (with which the receiver holds an account) that the customer designates when making a payment under an International Money Transfer transaction by selecting the Credit-to- Account Method.
  • Transaction details are available for viewing on the international money transfer app or can be confirmed with the Contact Center.
  • More details regarding the International Money Transfer Service are posted on the Bank's website or explained by the Contact Center (both in Japanese and English, in principle).
  • As regards the points to be noted in using the International Money Transfer Service, the International Money Transfer Service Terms and Conditions and this Product Overview are posted on the Bank's website. Furthermore, please contact the Contact Center if you wish to receive hard copies of these documents by postal mail. Please carefully read these documents and make sure that you understand the details of the International Money Transfer Service in advance.
  • The International Money Transfer Service Terms and Conditions include the "International Money Transfer Service Special Provisions (Seven Bank Philippine Money Transfer Service with BDO Unibank)".

Designated Dispute Resolution Organizations

Japanese Bankers Association Customer Relations Center

0570-017109 or 03-5252-3772
Service days:
Monday to Friday (excluding national holidays and non-business days)
Service hours:
9:00 to 17:00
  • The above is an English translation of the Japanese version, prepared merely for the customers' convenience. If there is any inconsistency between the two, the Japanese version shall prevail. The Japanese version is posted on the Bank's website and will be sent by postal mail if a request to that effect is made by contacting the Contact Center.